Course Title: ATA 465: Professional Internship in Arts Administration
ART125 FYS (Freshman and Fall /Only)
Term: Fall, Spring and Jan
Course Description
Minor credit. Prerequisites ATA 265 and ATA 365: arts management minor requirements and approval of the Arts Management minor coordinator within their specialty (Art, Theatre or Music). This internship is designed to provide experience for the student interested in pursuing a career in arts administration at a museum, art gallery or theatre, music and arts organizations. Pass/Fail. May be repeated.
Course Objectives
To have a hands-on working experience in an arts business approved by the advisor/instructor.
To develop business acumen necessary for the fine art field.
To document the experience and reflection through journal and digital presentation.
Course Outcomes
Students will complete 120 hours at an internship site.
Students will develop a portfolio of work samples from the internship including resume and documentation of projects on-site which will demonstrate skills necessary to be successful in the arts workplace.
Students will maintain a journal documenting their work experience and develop a PowerPoint presentation which provides an overview of their experience.
Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for reviewing the Converse University Internship Handbook for eligibility, regulations and guidelines.
Students must have completed an application form and developed a series of objectives before beginning the internship.
Students are responsible for the costs of registration, transportation, housing, and personal expenses as an intern. Students interning out of town or during the summer terms are responsible for locating their own housing
Project 1: Internship Site and Work
Students will complete 120 hours at an internship site. Off-site hours may be conducted with permission from the faculty supervisor and may include professional development opportunities. Students are expected to check in with the faculty advisor several times during the term and supply a midterm and final copy of their sign-in form for review at midterm and final dates. Usually a site visit is conducted by the faculty director at least once during the internship. Problems or unusual situations that may occur on the site should be reported immediately to the faculty advisor. The internship site supervisor will compete an evaluation of the student intern at midterm and at the conclusion of the internship. This evaluation is collected by the Office of Professional Development.
Project 2: Daily/Weekly Journal and Personal Reflections
A daily/weekly journal will be maintained by the student, which records tasks and responsibilities. This journal is also meant to be used as means of reflection on their time at the internship site. At midterm and the conclusion of the internship, students will also write a reflection on the internship experience as it relates to arts management studies and future goals.
Sample Files:
Project 3: Digital Portfolio of Work Samples from the Internship:
Students should maintain a portfolio (digital format) of work completed during the internship. At the conclusion of your internship you should also include an updated resume which includes the experience you gained through the internship. Be sure you are documenting your work throughout the semester, taking photos when appropriate to share your experience. You will also develop a PowerPoint or Google Slides Presentation which summarizes your experience and includes artifacts from your portfolio as examples.
Sample Files: