Course Title: Art 250 Sculpture II
Term: Fall and Spring
Course Description (Catalog)
Major, Elective credit. Prerequisite: ART 150. This course provides advanced research and technology and methodologies in sculpture techniques, personal content, and public art. Lab fee.
Course Objectives
1. Students will begin to intensify personal ideas and technical processes.
2. Students will experience the process of public art collaborations
3. Students will be introduced to historical/contemporary public sculptural works as they relate to the student’s individual and collaborative art projects.
Course Outcomes
1. Students will propose independent project contracts with conceptual technical goals.
2. Students will realize one public artwork in collaboration with a student team.
3. Students will be able to diversify/enhance their portfolios with a public art work.
4. Students will be able to reference historical/contemporary/ public artists that support their personal development at each historical and contemporary cast metal artists in their final presentation.
Final Digital Portfolio
All art and design students are required to establish and maintain a Digital Portfolio in which all artwork created during your time at Converse is documented. Documentation techniques will be covered in the class and students are expected to document all projects created in the course. The work and portfolio will be reviewed and graded for accuracy and quality.
Course Projects
Students will create 3 projects, and document them as per content (metal, wood, assemblage, etc.).