Course Title: ART 450 Sculpture IV
Term: Fall and Spring
Course Description (Catalog)
Major, Minor, Elective credit. Prerequisites: ART 112, ART 150, 250, 350 or permission of instructor. An introduction to the discipline of sculpture. Study and experimentation with traditional and contemporary concepts of form. Lectures, demonstrations, and assigned studio problems familiarize the student with the properties of structure and the nature of materials and forming processes. Priority will be given to majors. Lab fee.
Course Objectives
1. Students will employ basic mold making, and metal / wood fabrication.
2. Students will understand material’s ability to support their concepts.
3. Students will be employ the terminology of basic fabrication in sculpture.
4. Students will be introduced to historical & contemporary sculptors
Course Outcomes
1. Students will have the aptitude to integrate sculptural processes into 3 projects.
2. Students will critique / journal about the craft and concept of each project.
3. Students will acquire a sculptural vocabulary enhancing technical communication.
4. Students will be able to reference historical and contemporary sculptors as it relates to their sculpture projects.
Final Digital Portfolio
All art and design students are required to establish and maintain a Digital Portfolio in which all artwork created during your time at Converse is documented. Documentation techniques will be covered in the class and students are expected to document all projects created in the course. The work and portfolio will be reviewed and graded for accuracy and quality.
Course Projects
Students will create 3 projects, and document them as per content (metal, wood, assemblage, etc.).