Course Title: ART Art 300: Art for the Elementary School
Term: Spring
Course Description
This course provides an in-depth study of the concepts and principles of art education as it relates to the pre-K through elementary level art teacher. Students will study the current materials and methods for the art classroom. Emphasis is given to the artistic development of all children in the elementary/middle school and the South Carolina and National Standards for art instruction and for Art Teacher Preparation. Lab fee. Program requirement for BA Art Education
Coursework will be submitted in hardcopy and digitally depending on the particular assignment. Mid Term-grades will be submitted for all course work completed through the mid-term grading period on the percentage noted below. Grades will be given at mid-term and upon conclusion of the course.
Context: This course is for the Preservice BA Art Education student who is seeking initial certification in Art Education or for the Advanced Art Education student who is seeking additional elementary art education experiences.
Course Objectives
The student will develop a broad knowledge and understanding of teaching art in the secondary art classroom.
The student will develop projects and plans for teaching art in the secondary art classroom.
The student will develop knowledge of art materials, skills in instruction, and an understanding of strategies necessary to teach in the secondary public school program.
The student will develop an understanding of the Artist/Researcher/Teacher model and the impact of personal art making on his/her teaching.
Course Outcomes
The student will create lists to compare and contrast characteristics of the various child age students to other age groups and develop an understanding of the aligned State Standards to student development through the development of lesson plans and ADEPT 4.0 documents.
Students will create documents to meet Teacher Evaluation standards in ADEPT 4.0.
Students will create curriculum resources and strategies for teaching art to various child age students and for students with diverse needs and present strategies to the class.
Students will create projects using a variety of art materials suitable for child age students and gain knowledge in production, criticism, aesthetics, and art history.
Students will create at least one professional studio project based on a lesson that they develop.
Jim Bachor Potholes/Mosaics
Paul Klee Landscapes

Lego City
Wayne Thiebaud Project

Barbara Kobylinska Inspired sculptures

Elementary Budget/Management Plan
Student Sample 02.pdf
Lesson Plan
Student Sample 02.pdf
Gallery Review
Student Sample 02.pdf