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Course Title: DES 480 Interior Design Senior Seminar
Term: Fall 

Course Description

Major required credit.      

In this class, students identify and define relevant aspects of information gathering, analysis, and evaluation. Then, students apply the appropriate and necessary information to research findings. During the second half of the semester, Students determine their Senior Capstone Research project and start gathering information, research, the type of occupancy they desire, and required building codes.  



The successful completion of this course will help the students to:

  1. Combine design theory, creativity, and functionalism to develop effective interior solutions.

  2. Develop an understanding of research and data collection, analysis, and evaluation.

  3. Create design solutions featuring a human-centric design that responds to user needs and promotes health and well-being.

  4. Identify their design philosophy and influences by historical architecture and design components. 

  5. Justify their design decisions through written and verbal statements.

  6. Utilize their knowledge and skills to complete entry-level interior design responsibilities.



Student project outcomes indicate their appropriate development for the objectives above:

  1. The program includes content that provides guidelines for applying design theory and functionality for interior solutions.

  2. The program includes content that provides guidelines for the inclusion and application of human behavior and performance, building regulations, sustainability, and healthy products. 

  3. The program is a document that includes a variety of written formats. 

  4. Development of the program requires research and synthesis on the design type, identification of existing building conditions, analysis of floor plans, and history of structures.   

  5. Design theory includes human behavior, client and user needs, functional needs, building regulations, and sustainable design. 



Project 1: Internship Poster creation used within a professional conference setting (Type of conference changes yearly)


Project 2: Iconic Architect research


Design Philosophy:


Programming and information gathering for Senior Capstone Project- Final Report 


Under Graduate Courses
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