Term: Fall
Course Description
Major. Prerequisites: ART 355, 357, 380 and permission of the instructor. Capstone course. Writing Intensive. This course will provide senior art therapy students the opportunity to research an art therapy topic of interest, write a 20-page APA-style paper, complete either a 2-D or 3-D visual research image, and present their findings. This seminar will also discuss current issues in the field and establish the ethical requirement to understand and value the role of diversity and cultural humility within the profession−Lab fee.
Required Texts
American Psychological Association (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association 7th ed.). American Psychological Association.
King, R. (2018). Mindful of race. Sounds True.
Additional readings are available on Canvas.
Course Learning Objectives
To provide psycho-educational lectures, library research, readings, discussions, visual research, and integrative experiences that:
1. Explore critical thinking regarding the field by researching one subject in detail, including its theoretical perspectives and research methodologies.
2. Provide visual research opportunities to enhance an understanding of vulnerable populations.
3. Understand the values and ethics of art-making in civic engagement and the importance of becoming accepting of people with characteristics other than themselves.
4. Students will examine information literacy skills, including the APA format.
5. Students will study oral and written communication skills by completing a Capstone thesis.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Enhance critical thinking regarding the field by researching one subject in detail, including its theoretical perspectives and research methodologies.
2. Articulate how visual research can enhance an understanding of vulnerable populations.
3. Communicate the values and ethics of art-making in civic engagement and the importance of accepting people with characteristics other than themselves.
4. Demonstrate information literacy skills and be able to write a thesis utilizing the APA format.
5. Complete a Capstone thesis that displays effective writing and presentation skills.
Assignment 1: Formulating a Research Question Handout
Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography
Assignment 3: Outline of Capstone Paper
Topic selection and research question, title, introduction, and outline contribute to this portion of the grade. This outline will demonstrate a comprehensive overview of your research.
Assignment 4: First Rough Draft of Capstone Paper
This portion of the paper will be a first draft, including APA format and citations. It is highly recommended you make several appointments with the Writing Center first and then the professor to support this draft.
Assignment 5: Capstone Final Paper:
Completion of the thesis paper, quality and completeness of information, APA formatting, writing accuracy, quality of research sources, and overall understanding of the topic will determine this grade.
Assignment 6: Capstone Presentation
The final Capstone thesis presentation demonstrates the research obtained on your topic of choice. Students will present findings for 25 minutes, and the presentations will be open to the general public. Professor and peer rubrics will determine the grade.
Assignment 7: Capstone Visual Research Image:
Create an image using your choice of materials and utilize visual research to explore the population or topic represented in your research paper. This assignment is an opportunity to demonstrate the foundational learning content as part of the core undergraduate curriculum. (The standards and guidelines for the curriculum are determined by the Accreditation of Education Programs in Art Therapy (2016). Students will demonstrate art proficiency in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional art media techniques and processes.)
While your image will be personal, it is not a response image and will be graded with a studio rubric and will be exhibited in the Milliken student gallery.
Assignment 8: Ruth King Response Image
Assignment 9: Artist as Therapist Portfolio
A requirement of all art courses taken in the Art and Design department is to document all of your design projects and upload these images to a website of your creation (template). This requirement begins in ART 111 (2-D) and continues throughout your tenure at Converse. Each student will present 20-images from this portfolio, including 2-D, 3-D, digital media images from your art therapy courses, and non-traditional materials. Each image will include the title, size, and media. If you are short of the required images, show what you have, and be aware that 20 images will be a requirement of ART 415. When appropriate, details are welcome and encouraged, but not included in the 20 images.