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Course Title: DES 101 Interior Design Appreciation
Term: Jan

An overview of interior design includes its history, role in global cultures, pop culture, profession, art and design

theory application, and creative problem-solving. Studio projects explore issues.



The successful completion of this course will result in students understanding:

1. The relationship between a historical culture and the design of their buildings.

2. How designers use sketching to explore ideas and record information.

3. Current design solutions for a variety of interior types.

4. The creative problem-solving process includes the use of concepts and the application of design theory.

5. The media’s impact on public perception of the interior design profession.

6. Speaking and writing skills through class presentations and short statements.



The successful completion of this course will result in students developing these outcomes that represent their

understanding of the objectives listed above. These outcomes illustrate the five projects this course features.

1. A poster with information on historical culture and its influence on the design of interiors.

2. A sketchbook that includes the development and use of design theory, visualizations, and descriptions

of the interiors visited.

3. Digital presentations on the design and details of interiors and interior materials.

4. Retail design components that manipulate the behavior of people through solutions that apply visual

merchandising and circulation.

5. A TV show proposal that would provide information to the public on the professional role of an

interior designer as it depicts the design process and solution for a specific contemporary culture.



Design Articles – Students are exposed to the applications of interior design through conducting a series of article


Article 1 – An interior of an n historic building.


Article 2 – A retail interior.


Article 3 – An interior within a corporate headquarters, a hospital, or a hotel.


Sketching Assignments – Students are exposed to the process of interior design by conducting a series of sketches

while on field trips and tours of both interior and exterior building structures.


Sketching Exercises – Student conduct sketching exercises from locations around campus.


Field Trip Exercises – Student conduct sketching exercises from field trip locations.





Historic Analysis Project – This project exposes students to how interior design and architecture were developed in

a direct response to cultural beliefs and practices and functional needs due to where the culture/building was located.


Student Samples


Concept and Design Project – Retail – Students are exposed to how interior designers develop concepts and ideas

for design solutions. Here, students are subjected to the practice, abstract, and theoretical applications of space.


Student Samples


Mood/Lifestyle Presentation Project– Students are exposed to the concept development process through a

video slide show that allows students visually and thymically interpret their concept that leads them through their first

residential project.


Student Samples

Under Graduate Courses
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