Course Title: DES 382 History of Interiors II
Term: Fall
Course Description
International historic survey of interiors from the 1800s to the current decade, including design and architectural theories, furnishings, finishes, and decoration, in their cultural and technological origin and current context.
Course Learning Objectives
Relate historical and regional activity with innovation in architecture, industrial design, and interior design.
Analyze architectural and interior design methods as they develop through time periods.
Develop a deeper understanding of the development of architectural and interior design.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate a general knowledge of the material through periodic tests.
2. Produce a written paper relating to a significant architect or designer from the period since 1980.
3. Participate in regular Zoom Meetings on topics associated with the development of architecture, furniture, and interior design.
Course Assignments
Assignment 1: Architects and/or Interior Designers Selection Thread
Please post your ideas for an architect or interior designer you would like to research.
Please explain why this individual inspires you.
Please reply to 2 or more of your fellow students.
Here are some places to begin looking:
- to an external site.
Student Example from Online Discussion
Anna Lee
Feb 19, 2023Feb 19 at 5:16pm
Manage Discussion Entry
For my research paper, I chose Santiago Calatrava, a contemporary architect from Spain. Calatrava is also a structural engineer, sculptor, and painter, which you could probably guess by looking at his buildings/structures. His magnificent sculptural structures, often in concrete and steel are influenced by nature. He inspires me to design post-modern buildings that reflect natural shapes and rhythms. One of my favorite buildings of Calatrava is the Oculus or World Trade Center Transportation Hub in New York. I saw it for the first time in December and it was definitely a sight to see!
Maria Klein
Feb 20, 2023Feb 20 at 1:07pm
Manage Discussion Entry
I just googled his work, and I'm blown away. His work is so original. I love the UAE Pavilion at the Dubai Expo!
Hailey Ellis
Feb 20, 2023Feb 20 at 2:32pm
Manage Discussion Entry
His architecture and buildings are very complex and eye-catching. Very good choice for the paper!
Maria Klein
Feb 20, 2023Feb 20 at 1:05pm
Manage Discussion Entry
I am deciding between two female architects: Zaha Hadid and Jeanne Gang. Zaha Hadid was an Iraqi-British architect that designed the Guangzhou Opera House in China, a massive structure that features contemporary curvilinear designs. Jeanne Gang is a Chicago-based architect and founder of Studio Gang. My favorite building of hers is the Rescue Company 2 Facility in New York City. It was designed as a training facility for rescue workers that specialize in building collapses and water rescues. Gang had to consider the building's carbon footprint, the needs of the training facility, and gathering places for the community.
Assignment II: Research Paper Part 1: Select an Architect or an Interior Designer
Semester Long Research Assignment
Select a contemporary architect or interior designer (active since 1980) who you admire or you see as an influence on your design style.
After completing the designer selection discussion thread:
Prepare a Word Document using MLA Format Abstract with the following information.
Photo of the designer/architect
Birthdate of the designer/architect
Where does the designer/architect practice?
1 image of the designer/architect's work that inspires you with the sources of the images.
Text explaining why these images inspire you.
A quote from the designer/architect or a sentence or two about their design point of view or philosophy
Works Cited MLA 3-5 sources
Upload to Canvas
Review this example that uses the MLA Template to better understand how to format the assignment. Research Paper Phase 1 Example.docx Download Research Paper Phase 1 Example.docx
Here is a link with additional help: MLA Style Introduction Links to an external site.
Assignment III: Research Paper Part 2: Submit the Outline
Stage 2, you will turn in an outline of the paper.
This is to be in standard outline format and should indicate the development of an argument in relation to the chosen topic.
It should expand on the thesis, giving a framework for a logical progression.
It should also indicate where the sources from the Works Cited listing will be used in the paper.
Finally, it should also include an updated Works Cited listing of your original 3-5 sources and A MINIMUM OF 2 new ones.
A Framework:
Expanded Biography (the background of the designer)
Inspirations (what inspires this designer?)
Design Philosophy (what is his or her design philosophy)
Examples of Work (images of significant works)
Influence on the field of design (or architecture)
How this designer influences you
Works Cited (minimum 6)
Assignment IV: Research Paper Part 3: Submit the Draft
Stage 3: Written Paper.
For Stage 3, you will turn in a completed paper that is grammatically correct and as complete as possible.
This is considered a “rough draft” – work on this as if it is your final paper!
I will review this submission and return it with corrections and suggestions intended to help the student with the final paper.
Although this is a “first” edition, the expectation of high-quality, undergraduate-level writing will factor into the grading.
The purpose of this draft is not to “fix” the writing.
It is, rather, to polish the argument and structure of the paper.
It is suggested that you utilize the Converse College Writing Centre in MIckel Library (Room 204) when preparing Stage 3. They can help at any point from first ideas to final drafts; help with organizing and developing our ideas, using sources, and recognizing and correcting errors in grammar and punctuation. They do not proofread or “fix” papers but can help you learn efficient editing techniques and improve your work.
When writing your paper, it is essential to use in-text citations or foot or endnotes for any material that is not “common knowledge.”
Also, this is to be YOUR writing – so you must keep direct quotes to an absolute minimum. For a short paper such as this, one direct quote, but no more than two short quotes, is permitted. It should be used when a particular emphasis is desired. If you have more than two direct quotes, you will be asked to rewrite them in your own words, giving a citation for your source.
Your grammar, punctuation, and MLA formatting should be correct when you submit your paper at this point. This needs to be in Microsoft Word file format.
Throughout your paper (including text, figures, and works cited listing), please use 12 pt font and a single type of font such as Arial, Trebuchet MS, or Calibri; please do NOT use New Times Roman (I know it is part of the MLA format standard, but it is dated and it gives me a headache when reading it).
If you include images, they need to be embodied into the text, fully identified (numbered, named, and their source noted), and they need to be specifically referred to in the paper.
Assignment V: Final Paper
In the Assignment Example Folder: