Course Title: DES 486.TI - Interior Design Study Travel Program/Architectural Illustrations and Watercolor.
Term: Jan
Course Description: DES 486 ID Study Travel Program- with a focus in Architectural illustrations and watercolor. This course will combine architectural ink drawings with applied watercolor of different painting techniques.
Through photo documentation and drafting/sketching of architectural elements, historic buildings, and design styles that take place in Italy, students will explore applied watercolor methods that provide different qualities to the drawing presentation. The class will
consist of studio work, exploration, demonstration, and formal presentations.
Course Learning Objectives:
Introduction to several methods of architectural ink drawings.
Introduction to presentational and technical methods: applying shadows using a ruler.
Introduction to several methods of applying watercolor to ink drawings.
Learn and develop visual vocabulary and design terminology.
Projects will include applications of design theory and creativity.
Students will learn presentation skills and esthetics.
Students will justify their design decisions through written and verbal statements.
Students will learn the basics of Adobe applications of Photoshop to enhance their work.
Course Learning Outcomes and Goals
1. Students will produce a series of exercises: with the use of geometrical shapes, applied shadows, and straight lines of different forms and directions.
2. Students will apply visual effects to their drawings, Forming visual layers with the use of watercolor.
3. Students will learn to create presentational graphics with the use of watercolor: materials, textures, patterns.
4. Students will produce creative work that successfully uses design elements and principles.
5. Students will actively participate in in-class presentations.
6. Students will document class materials.
7. Students will document their work in digital format.
8. Students will apply basic design software tools to enhance their work.
9. Students will create process work and progress through the different assignments
ASSIGNMENT 1: Ink shading of geometrical shapes:
Tracing over basic geometrical shapes: cubes, spheres, and cylinders, and applying shading with the application of a straight edge ruler to form shadows. Students will illustrate straight lines to form shadows while applying them vertically, horizontally, diagonally, and with a combination of both.
ASSIGNMENT 2: Watercolor Exercise
Using a one-point perspective drawing of a room with windows, and applying watercolor in layers to form a background, midground and, foreground while using a single color.
ASSIGNMENT 3: Realistic application
Tracing an image of choice to ‘Cold Press’ watercolor paper, shading with water proof graphic pens and applying watercolor over the ink. The realistic approach provides a more photographic realistic style to the drawing.
ASSIGNMENT 4: Abstract application:
Tracing of an interior or exterior perspective drawings, creating shades with the use of graphic pens, application of watercolor with an abstract approach: applying less color while leaving some white marks. This approach is less realistic but creates a conceptual environment.
ASSIGNMENT 5: Final project- Photomontage’
A set of images constructed and formed into a collage format and merged together.
Students will choose their most desired images and watercolor technique applied to this assignment.