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Course Title: DES 485 Professional Design Work Experience 
Term: Spring 

Course Description: DES 485 Professional Work Experience

Major credit. Required for the major in interior design. Prerequisites: DES 383, 384, 386, 481, 483 or permission of instructor. A program in which the student obtains practical on-the-job experience working in an interior design or architectural firm.  Pass/fail grading.


Course Learning Objectives

  1. Interior design majors will utilize their knowledge and skills to complete entry level interior design responsibilities. 


Course Goals

  1. Interior design majors will utilize their knowledge and skills to complete entry-level interior design responsibilities.


Learning Outcomes

  1. specific interior design professions through the completion of a 120 hour internship and a summary of experiences, 

  2. personal marketing through the development of a cover letter, resume and portfolio, and effective interactions with professionals through initial contacts via phone and/or emails, on-the-job experiences.


Student Resume Samples


Student Portfolio PDF Samples


Student Portfolio Online Samples



Under Graduate Courses
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